Click on the links to learn more about each service!


Consigner Sign Up

Consignors receive 65% of their sales and a FREE ticket for Pre-Sale.

Become a VIP Consigner Form

Want to Consign but don't have the time? We will prep, price and deliver your items to the sale. You'll earn 40% of your sales + a free ticket to our Private Pre-Sale!

Consigner Referral Form

We LOVE it when you tell your friends about us! Complete this form to receive your bonus if you have referred any friends to consign. They MUST be NEW consignors, cannot be from the same household and must enter at least 25 items.

Early Barcode Pick up

Your batch must be completed by Aug 30th or Sept 1st depending when you want to pick up.

Join our Team!

Want to be involved and hang out with some super fun people? We are looking for workers to help us at our event. Every employee gets a Launch Party Ticket, as well as other perks along the way! Fill out our application and we will contact you with more information.

Drop and Go Sign-up (All-Star Consignors Only!)

This sign-up is for Drop and Go on Monday, September 2nd! For All-Star Consignors Only! Drop off your pre-labeled items and we put them into the store for you! To be an All star consignor simply mark all items to go half-off and donated at the end of the sale!

In-Store Consignor Check In

Come into the store with prepped items to have your items GUARENTEED and you can pick up any unsold items at the end of the sale.