We Accept:

Please see our Acceptable Items Guide for a general list of items we accept at our events.

We will accept the following items:
Willow, Elvie, Spectra, Momcozy and Motif Breast Pumps. Boys and Girls sizes Premie to size 14. Maternity clothes. Character stuffed animals, build-a-bear or squishmallows only! Cribs. Bassinets. Changing Tables. Rocking Chairs. Bunk Beds. Dressers. Night Stands. Any type of children's or teen bedroom decor.

We Don't Accept:

We cannot accept the following items:
No clothing with heavy wear, visible stains, broken zippers, missing buttons, or out-of-date. No used bottle nipples- must be new. Bottles may be used and clean. Fragile Items (porcelain, ceramic, etc)
Antiques Collectibles Dishes/Kitchen items Decor that is not intended for a baby/child/teen room or bathroom